Some things should be sacred. Thursday nights are pub quiz night, even if it means Friday mornings are often somewhat jaded. But, I'm pleased to report, my Fridays are now bright-eyed and bushy tailed, because we are boycotting the quiz. In protest over AI.
Well, not so much AI as what happens when it's used by an idiot.
One of my personal go-to common-sense-merchants, Tim Harford, has covered the issue of how systems and humans combine, reporting that the best cocktail is one part fit-for-purpose but not bleeding edge technology, and one part switched on homo sapien. If the AI's too helpful, the human switches off. If it only provides part of the answer, we're forced to bridge the gap. And, if the human isn't switched on to start with, it doesn't really matter how good the AI is, as whatever old shite comes out will be inevitably relied on.
Like - for a tiebreak on one round, nearest wins - in what year was the third oldest Beatle born? We said 1941, our opponents 1944. The answer's 1942. We lost.
At the time, Google's AI summary said George was the third oldest Beatle, whilst one click - a click Chris the quizmaster refused point blank to make - would have revealed the detail proving at a glance it was Paul. But if you Google it now, it's suddenly correct. But not at the time. That's an early Easter egg we missed out on.
More tellingly, a tie-break we weren't involved in was 'what was Concorde's longest non-stop flight'? Answer: 28,238 miles.
Think about that for just a second. Which makes it a second longer than Chris took. The circumference of the planet is less than 25,000 miles. But it was the first answer that fell out of Google, so it must be true. Even if it's patently absurd.
There's no point in taking part in a quiz where the randomising factor of Googlebollocks is just going to wind us up so, for the foreseeable, we're out of here.
There is a serious point to this churlishness, of course. Tim Harford's example of being overly-reliant on technology was Air France flight 447. Had, say, those pushing the buttons on the flight deck filled the shoes of Stanislav Petrov, who disbelieved a nuclear alert, or even Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was ready to wake the president but not until he had confirmation, we'd all be dead several times over.
I like to think they were products of an analogue, mechanical, work-it-out-for-yourself world, where people were more ready to question the half-answers clunky, wheezy, not especially powerful systems provided. There was an obvious need for humans to make up the gap. But what about now, when technology can probably think of things that technology can do that we can't? It's not as though the world's teetering on the brink of World War Three. Oh, hold on...
I fear AI may be the death of us. And, I fear, it may all be our fault.
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